How Much Does Luvox Cost?
high drug prices

The use of antidepressants like Luvox are becoming more prevalent in the United States. Based on data pulled between 2015 and 2018, about 13% of adults admitted to taking an antidepressant in the previous 30 days.
It’s also probably safe to assume this number is low, considering that the data was incurred by asking people if they were taking antidepressants. Some people won’t feel comfortable admitting that they’re taking medication because of the (unfair) stigma associated with it.
Additionally, new data from the final quarter of 2020 shows that antidepressant prescriptions are increasing.
With the number of new people taking antidepressants and the rising cost of health insurance in the U.S., people may be seeking lower prices from international drugstores and online Canadian pharmacies like
Here’s how you can save money on your medication through the highest independently-rated online pharmacy in the world.
What is Luvox (Fluvoxamine)?
Luvox (fluvoxamine) is a relatively common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) approved for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety, and depression.
SSRIs are a popular method of treating such disorders because they’re designed to focus on depleted serotonin levels. Serotonin is just one of many neurotransmitters that carry chemicals around the brain.
SSRIs work by blocking neurons from reabsorbing serotonin. This action allows more serotonin to be available in the brain, which should ease the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and/or OCD.
The selective designation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is important because this type of medication is designed to only affect serotonin. SSRIs should only impact that one neurotransmitter, as opposed to other antidepressant medications that are designed to affect multiple neurotransmitters.
How Much Does Luvox Cost?
In terms of available antidepressants, Luvox is on the less expensive end of the price spectrum — of course in the United States, that’s a very relative concept. It will depend on what your insurance covers (if you have health insurance or prescription coverage — Medicare Part D, if you’re retired or over the age of 65).
Depending on the level of coverage you have (for which you’re already paying a monthly premium) and the exact formulation of the medication you require, Luvox can be reasonably priced or horribly expensive.
In the United States, it’s difficult to find name-brand Luvox. Because generic versions are typically less expensive, insurance companies and enrollees both tend to prefer them. Even if your prescribing physician writes “Luvox” on the prescription pad, the pharmacy is inclined to give you the generic version.

The Impact of Inactive Ingredients on Overall Patient Cost
Most of the time, substituting a brand name for a generic doesn’t cause too many problems — after all, generic versions of drugs have the same act ingredient(s) and the same doses. If you were to ask the pharmacist, they’d tell you the drugs are basically exactly the same for most drugs.
Generic medications will only be approved if their efficacy can match the name-brand. Additionally, the dosage must be the same as the brand they’re attempting to compete with.
While the active ingredients are the same, the inactive (sometimes called filler) ingredients used can be different. Some people have negative reactions to these inactive ingredients, which can cause unpleasant side effects. Some symptoms may be mild and patients can tolerate them, but others can be more disruptive.
People with food allergies should always check the inactive ingredients in their prescription medications, as this can be a common reason for an adverse reaction (i.e. dairy, soy, gluten, etc).
If the inactive ingredients cause enough of a problem, you may be forced to interchange the brand-name medication with a generic (or vice-versa) for a formulation that doesn’t use the offending inactive ingredients. This could mean spending more money than you may want to — but then again, you may not have much of a choice.
Fortunately, may be able to provide you with some additional choices.
How Can I Save Money on Luvox?
If you’re finding that Luvox is too expensive, but you need it for treatment of your OCD, anxiety, and/or depression, you may be able to find your medication cheaper at
While brand-name Luvox can be difficult to find in the United States, it’s still available at You can buy a 60-pill supply of 50mg Luvox for about $78.00 ($1.30 per pill).
If you require a higher dose, you can buy a 90-pill supply of 100mg Luvox for about $202.00 ($2.24 per pill).
You can also buy generic fluvoxamine, starting in 60-pill quantities for about $62.00 ($1.03 per 50mg pill). The 100mg dose can be purchased in 90-pill quantities for about $149.00 ($1.49 per pill).
There is also a controlled-release version of Luvox called Luvox CR, or fluvoxamine CR. Like most controlled-release formulas, it’s more expensive than its regularly formulated counterparts.
At this time, brand-name Luvox CR is unavailable, but you can buy generic fluvoxamine CR at A 30-pill supply of 100mg fluvoxamine CR starts at about $344.00 ($11.47 per pill). A 30-pill supply of 150mg fluvoxamine CR starts at about $369.00 ($12.30 per pill). 90-pill quantities are also available.
Can Luvox be Used to Treat Viruses?
Viruses are frustrating for both patients and physicians. Patients want something that will kill whatever germs are making them sick and physicians have the burden of explaining that not every ailment can be solved so easily.
Adding to this frustration is a recent study linking Luvox to potential treatment for certain contagious respiratory viruses.
Some viruses tend to cause inflammation in the body in addition to the other undesirable symptoms, such as fever, chills, aches, and fatigue. Fluvoxamine is believed to hold anti-inflammatory properties, which can prevent patients from becoming so ill that they need to be hospitalized.
The study suggested that fluvoxamine has antiviral properties, which means the active ingredient may help stop the virus from multiplying and spreading further. If you can keep the viral load lower, you’ll be less contagious and should recover more quickly.
Will Luvox Be Available for Virus or Inflammation Treatment?
It’s very important to note that studies have not confirmed that Luvox can treat viruses or inflammation. This study is simply a starting point. More information is necessary before the makers of Luvox could even apply for approval for such purposes.
Even if there is enough evidence to support such use, it’s unlikely that Luvox would be a cure-all for viruses. If Luvox is approved for treatment, it would likely be used in conjunction with other medications.
However, if studies do continue to suggest (and eventually prove) that Luvox can reduce inflammation, we may find that other antidepressants (SSRIs included) are studied as well. There are implications in the study that people taking these medications may fare better if they catch the virus.
It will take a fair amount of time before we can better understand the efficacy of Luvox under these circumstances, but if early data is pointing us in the right direction, this could be groundbreaking information.

Breaking the Mental Health Stigma
In the past, the topic of mental health conditions and medications that treat them have been taboo topics. Mental health matters have been (wrongly) stigmatized, with some people arguing that they’re not “real” problems because they aren’t often visible or tangible.
People who live with anxiety, depression, and/or OCD know quite well that mental health conditions are very real and can affect someone’s entire well-being. Mental health infiltrates every corner of someone’s life, which can affect productivity at work and home, lifestyle choices, diet, weight, and physical health.
Fortunately, recent years have shown more acceptance regarding mental health issues. Many organizations across the globe have launched initiatives to promote mental health and encourage people to ask for help if they need it.
Any person or group of people can be affected by mental health issues, but two, in particular, have been receiving more attention than others in the past few years: men and postpartum women.
Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
Postpartum women experience significant hormonal and lifestyle changes that can cause depression and anxiety. When women experience depression and/or anxiety post-childbirth, it’s typically diagnosed as postpartum depression or anxiety.
Data shows that the number of women being diagnosed with postpartum depression has been increasing since the year 2000. There could be many possible variables at play — including better awareness, which can lead to more accurate diagnosis — but regardless of the reason, postpartum women must receive better medical care at such an important time in their (and their child’s) lives.
Men and Mental Health
The other group of people receiving more mental health attention is men, which has been a long-time coming. Historically, men have been told — either implicitly or explicitly — that having feelings isn’t “manly” and that they should ignore their feelings. If they’re depressed or upset, they might be told to “man up” instead of being encouraged to talk to someone about it.
One of the more effective methods of flipping this stigma has been for successful athletes and actors to open up about their own mental health struggles. In 2018, NBA player Kevin Love wrote an essay for The Players’ Tribune called Everyone is Going Through Something. It starts with him admitting he had a panic attack in the middle of a Cleveland Cavaliers game.
Love was inspired by a different player who’d opened up about his own struggle with depression. Since then, he’s written additional pieces about his anxiety and depression, in addition to starting The Kevin Love Fund, which is dedicated to mental health education and research funding.
Most recently, the National Football League (NFL) launched an initiative called It Takes All of Us, which is centered around the idea of creating a positive culture around mental health among the NFL players and staff. Multiple players have contributed parts of their stories to de-stigmatize mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.
While there is still plenty of de-stigmatization work to do, things certainly seem to be moving in the right direction.

Save on Your Prescriptions Through an Online Canadian Pharmacy
Taking SSRIs like Luvox requires strict medication adherence practices. Skipping medication doses can be dangerous (regardless of the medication), but with antidepressants, missing doses can mean physical symptoms, as well as psychological.
While low doses may not affect people as severely as higher doses, it’s important to remember that these medications are supporting healthy brain chemistry. Unexpected shifts can exacerbate the reasons for taking antidepressants in the first place.
If patients don’t have affordable, reliable access to their antidepressants, they may not fill the prescription, or they may take fewer doses to stretch out the medication. At best, this course of action may degrade the patient’s quality of life. At worst, it degrades their physical health. Neither are good solutions to the problem of high drug prices.
Fortunately, can help people save money on Luvox and many other prescription drugs. We source medication from Canada (as well as international markets) while maintaining strict safety protocols and quality standards.
Following standards set by the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) and the International Pharmacy Association of British Columbia (IPABC), we take significant steps to help ensure that every prescription filled is accurate before it’s shipped out to the patient.
We also understand the anxiety that can come with ordering medication online — especially if this is a new experience for you. Therefore, we keep a call center up and running seven days a week so patients can call with questions, place an order over the phone, or speak with a pharmacist.
We take a lot of pride in our exceptional customer service, which is often cited in our Canadian online pharmacy reviews. After many years in this industry, we’re proud to have an overall 4.8/5 star rating and more than 400,000 independent reviews from verified customers.
If you’re ready to place your order, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-866-539-5339 or contact us online for a timely response. We look forward to helping you save money!